For english speaking clients


My name is Roman Pesek. I have been working as a cognitive behavioural therapist since 2004. I graduated from an accredited training program in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) within the Institute of CBT in 2004. I graduated from the Faculty of Health and Social Studies of South Bohemia University in the city of Ceske Budejovice. I have been working as a supervisor for CBT therapists since 2010 as well - the training under the International institute of CBT Odyssea (prof. J. Prasko) 


Within my practice I specialize in anxious, depressive and obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic-stricken disorders, various kinds of phobic disorders, (including social phobias), problems concerning addiction to alcohol and drugs, psychosomatic problems etc.   


For more information about me, including a more detailed professional profile, my papers, publications and presentations can be found in Czech on my webside at www.kbt-pesek.cz/materialy/.  


If you speak only English, want to discuss any problems you may have, or need more further information, please, do not hesitate to contact me. You can send an email to me at ro.pe@seznam.cz and I will answer you as soon as possible. We can set an appointment at your convenience.  



Jugoslavskych partyzanu 1425/9, Prague 6, near Tram 8,18 stop Lotysska or Metro stop Dejvicka         


A possibility exists to set an appointment on a place you wish as well.  


The cost of one 60 minute consultation in English is 2000 CZ K.